Advent: The Second Coming of Christ

Hello Village Family and Friends,

Well, the close of the year is upon us. 2023 will so be nothing more than history. As I get older, more specifically as my kids get older, I am more mindful than ever how fast this world of time is moving. We can do nothing to slow it down; we certainly can’t stop it. The old saying, “Time marches on” proves truer with ever ticking second.

Interestingly, the constant ticking a swiftly moving clock is precisely what lulls many into spiritual sleep and slumber; into a life lived into ignorances and rejection of God in the world he created; into a life of rebellions against him by living without reference to him. Since the moment of Christ’s ascension the message has been, “He is returning!” But just as Christ said would happen, the longer he takes, the less mindful people are of his words, the further they drift from his truth, and the greater their horror will be on the day that it happens.

I am 42 years old. All of my life I have heard that Christ is coming soon. 42 years is a long time to wait for something and not see it come to fruition; let alone 2000 years. Yet, the more I read his word and watch the world around me, the more I am convinced of his return.

Christian, are you living in the urgent tension of Christ’s pending return? He said that he will come at a day and at an hour unknown. Like an unexpected thief in he night. Like labor pains upon a pregnant woman. This word from our Savior demands that we live every moment ready for his return. We must live fully present in this world, but we must be ready at every moment for our Savior to return and take us home to glroy with him forever.

I’m excited to worship with you this Sunday and consider great truths regarding Chris’s second coming. Lord willing, I’ll see you then (unless the Lord, in fact, returns first).

Grace & Peace,

You can reach the elders anytime by email, call, or text at:
Jon Collins,, (810) 869-3949
John White,, (810) 275-4267