Love Global

In Acts 1, Jesus told his disciples that they would be his witnesses to the end of the earth. Here at The Village Church this command takes us from not only making disciples by loving locally but also to making disciples by loving globally as well. We believe a biblical view of world missions calls us to carry this out in the following primary ways: through the generous giving of the local church, helping to send needed supplies, resources, and financial aid to almost anywhere in the world; through the sending of faithful people to work alongside and support faithful workers around the world; and by the sending of elder-qualified men to plant healthy churches, to help teach and strengthen local church leaders, and to see indigenous leaders raised up to lead local churches.

Below are some of the ways that we are involved in loving globally.

Action Packs are like care packages sent to Voice of the Martyrs and then delivered to Christians in areas where access to basic necessities is lacking and where they are suffering for their faith in Christ. Items might be daily necessities like soap, blankets, bed sheets and or clothing. Along with these items, a Bible is included in each pack. For more information visit,

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry extension of Samaritan’s Purse International Relief. The goal is to fill simple shoebox or similar container with gift items or every necessities. OCC then takes the gifts throughout the world and distributes them to children. Every shoebox comes with the presentation of the Gospel and an invitation to a 12-week course where the child can learn how to follow Jesus. For more information visit,

If you have any questions or would like information on how you can get involved with any of these, click the button below and contact us today!